
我看着她 看了又看

I looked and looked at her

我知道 就像我知道我必死无疑那样清楚

and I knew , as clearly as I know that I will die

我是如此的爱她 胜过我所看到的所能想象到的地球上的任何事物

that I loved her more than anything I'd ever seen or imagined on earth

她以前是一个妖女 现在却像一片枯叶

she was only the dead leaf echo of the nymphet from long ago

但是我爱她 这个洛丽塔

but I loved her , this Lolita

苍白 臃肿 混俗 怀着别的男人的孩子

pale and polluted and big with another man's child

她可以褪色 可以枯萎 我不在乎

she could fade and wither - I didn't care

但我只要看她一眼 万般柔情 涌上心头

I would still go mad with tenderness at the mere sight of her face

从这里到那个你熟悉的汽车 只有25步的距离

From here to that old car that you know so well... is a stretch of 25 paces


Don't touch me

你一碰我 我就死

I'll die if you touch me

我听到了孩子们的欢声笑语 除此之外 没有别的

What I heard then was the melody children at play . Nothing but that


And I knew that the hopelessly poignant thing was not Lolita's absense from my side...


but the absense other voice from that chorus